The lost culture

Yet there is always no hoop.

Cmmentary on Geopolitics and human development.

Everardo Boudi van Vlijmen is a freedom fighter and president of the Free World People.

Born in the Netherlands. A country that has lost its course, I think. A country without direction. Hence, “The Lost Country”.

The Netherlands (VOC) used to be the largest company in the world. The Netherlands used to have the capital to create progress from its own resources. The Netherlands used to have the capital to manifest itself culturally (Rembrandt and such). Due to the illusion of a future that can be created without having to work hard for it (caused by gas revenues, among other things), the Dutch people have completely lost their way. 80% of the so-called highly educated believe in fairy tales and keep each other happy with fairy tales (David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs). Education does not re-source enough, which causes it to stray from the new realities and saddle students with fairy tales. In that respect, we are back to the times before Erasmus. To understand what I mean by this, you have to read Erasmus: lateral thinker by Sandra Langereis. In the meantime, the people lack leadership based on a sense of responsibility for society. This error can only be reversed by fundamentally reforming the education and diploma system. And better education means developing curiosity and humility (according to Dan Kahan[1]), not creating serfs believing in fairy tales. Fortunately, there is hope in the form of better education in the Netherlands, for example. The process of awareness has at least started. If you think you know better, watch this video.

The process of lack of social responsibility is going on to a greater or lesser extent in the entire oil-driven illusion machine of the West led by 'Wall Street'. Boeing planes are now falling from the sky in "Master in Boeing Annihilation (in case you don't tweet what MBA stands for)" pieces, for example. People live in an oil-dumb fairy tale world that is crumbling. In the meantime, humanity is looking for new stories to anchor ourselves again. Generation Z is searching and that is also hopeful. The generations before Generation Z have no other choice than to try to make the best of the incredible mess that the Baby Boomers have made of the freedom-based society.

We are in the middle of the decay and regeneration process. This will take decades, I think. Inevitably through crises, hopefully without too much war. Because of this, the Netherlands is no longer "the place to be" for me. And by the time it might be again, I will no longer be here. The Netherlands will look very different after the megapolitical evolution, which I think we are also in the middle of. With Eindhoven probably as the administrative centre and no longer The Hague. And then not only for what now calls itself the Netherlands, but for the Dutch-speaking area, including Flanders in the EU. A nice prospect, I think. However, I am not going to sit around waiting for this, I am too old for that. I am going my own way completely and am no longer committed to the errant politics of today. That is why I am no longer a member of a political party and never will be again. The madness of the day is no longer for me.

I do try to contribute to building foundations for a better future after us. I can spend the time I have left on this better than waiting until the Dutch-speaking area realises what its inevitable future is. My art is my laboratory for the new enlightenment. At most I will give a push in the right direction here and there when the opportunity arises.

Furthermore I see two (intertwined) developments that are taking place and that will make Dutch (and French, and German, and Italian) local second languages ​​in the future:

Internationalization (the borderless communication world created by the internet)

and megapolisation (the evolution from a world of nation states to a network of megapolises)

This website is still in Dutch, furthermore I will (in order to go with the flow of the blossoming new megapolis world) only publish in English.

For me personally the following applies: It makes more sense to work on the system errors than to live in the illusion that the current Dutch political elite will change anything in the short term. I think the elite is wrongly educated for that. In my opinion 80% of the elite walks around with worthless diplomas. It is an Elite that thinks they know a lot. But for every person it applies that they do not know more than they do know. On the scale of omniscience, we are all ignorant. And that is why modesty is in order for everyone, even the Parasitic delusional elite! For example, people still talk in outdated eighteenth-century terms. (Left and Right are outdated in my opinion, we are dealing, I think, with Indifferents, Parasites and Workers.

Politics is, I think, pointless because of four system errors in the current world (2024). The world has remained stuck in a feudal worldview. The government is in that worldview the boss of the citizen, not the servant of the people. Fortunately, humanity continues to develop because this is the nature of humanity as an autonomous organism and does not care about (neo-feudal) governments. Politics is living in the illusion of the governability of this organism. Politics is a fight between powers, while the people only want one thing, good public services! No controlling power! Because of this nature, even the most authoritarian regimes are (fortunately) ultimately doomed to perish. Power is always temporary, so politics is too. Humanity is ready for the next step in its evolution. The step towards true humanism. I want to contribute to that.

My core points of attention are:

If you would like to help me with my mission, you can become a member of the Clocked Research team or of the Free World People Association.

My creed: